Institutul de Geologie şi Seismologie

NEAGA Vasile

Scientific researcher
Institute of Geology & Seismology, Academiei 3, MD 2028,
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
tel. 73 – 97 – 20

1953 – 1958- State University of Moldova, Department: geological engineer, Republic of Moldova
LANGUAGE SKILLS:(Marks are from 1 to 5, 1 = excellent, 5 = basic)

Language Reading Speaking Writing
Romanian 1 1 1
Russian 1 1 1
English 1 4 4
French 1 1 1


      Date: from - to               1958-1966      Location	                   Republic of Moldova      Institution                   Geological Agency of Moldova      Position                      Team’s chief      Responsibilities	       Date: from - to               1966-1972      Location                      Republic of Moldova      Institution                   Institute of Construction Materials      Position                      Engineer      Responsibilities	       Date: from - to               1972-1982      Location                      Republic of Moldova      Company                       Geophysical and Geological Institute      Position                      Scientific Assistant      Responsibilities              Geotectonica        Date: from - to               1982-2005      Location                      Republic of Moldova      Company                       Geophysical and Geological Institute      Position                      Scientific Assistant      Responsibilities              Geotectonica, the formation analyze  

Selected conference abstracts:
 ● Die jungpalaozoischen Rotsedimente im Sudteil des Gebietes zwischen Dnestr und Prut.Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Geologie, Berlin, 1987, p.141
 ● Grundzuge der tektonischen Bewegungen und der sedimentation wahrend dez Ordoviziums am SW – Rand der Osteuropaischen Tafel. Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Geologie, 1982.
 ● Геологические предпосылки обнаружения рудопроявлений золота и редких металлов в Среднем Приднестровье (на территории Украины и Молдовы). Киев, Минералогический журнал, июль – август 1997, стр.71.
 ● The Predobrogean Depression in Rumania and Moldova and its hydrocarbon prospects. Geological Society, London, 1997, p.141.
 ● Consideratii preliminare asupra integrarii retelelor gravimetrice ale Romaniei si Republicii Moldova, Editura Academiei Romane, Tomul 39, 2001, p.51.
 ● The first step in merning the national geomagnetic maps of Romania, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova. J.Balk. Geophys. Soc., 3,3, p.45-52.
 ● Проблемы утилизации отходов добычи карбонатного сырья. Международная научно – практю конф. “Геоэкологические проблемы Северного Причерноморья”. Тирасполь, 28-30 марта 2001.
 ● Protectia subsolului. Chisinau, Starea Mediului in Republica Moldova in a. 2002, Raport National, p.75
 ● Exploatarea resurselor subsolului „recenzata”. Chisinau, Starea Mediului in Republica Moldova in an. 2003, (Raport National), 2004.
 ● Structura geologica a moldovei si perspectivele de stabilire pe teritoriul ei a unor zacaminte de substante minerale utile noi. Chisinau, AGEPI, Valorificarea rezultatelor stiintifice – baza dezvoltarii durabile a economiei nationale, 16 iunie 2004.
 ● Prognostication of reconnaisances of uranium on the basis of water – helium in the south – western part of the Ukrainian Schield. Moldavian journal of the Physical Sciences, Vol.3, Nr. 2, 2004.